February 29th marks the leap year for all those who follow the Roman calendar, and on that day, the tradition since medieval times has allowed women the privilege to propose marriage to their desired patriarchal figure. 根据罗马历法,2月29日标志着四年一遇的闰年的到来。2.29的女性求爱日传统可以追溯到中世纪时期:女性可以使用专属特权向心仪已久的男子表白求婚。
Apparently one in five engaged couples in Greece will avoid planning their wedding during a leap year. 在希腊,每五对订婚的情侣中就要一对会竭力避免在闰年举行婚礼。
According to legend, St. Patrick said the yearning females could propose on this one day in February during the leap year. 根据传说,圣徒Patrick于是给渴望婚姻的女性一个机会,她们可以在闰年2月的29日向男士求婚。
There is a Greek superstition that claims couples have bad luck if they marry during a leap year. 希腊人有一种迷信说法是新人如果在闰年结婚会带来霉运。
Leap year proposals are the exception that proves the rule. 女性求婚是种例外恰恰证明了这一点。
In her research, Parkin pored over references to leap year proposals in postcards, advertisements and newspaper columns dating back to 1904. 在她的研究中,帕金集中参考了1904年以来明信片、广告、新闻专栏中提到的女性闰年求婚。
A girl can propose at any time, not just on a leap year because when it's the right time it's the right time, Mrs Campbell said. 坎贝尔女士说:女孩可以随时求婚,不仅仅在闰年,因为合适的时机不容错过。
Sending postcards was the craze back then, and leap year postcards depicted women usually unattractive older women holding guns to men's head in efforts to extract a promise of marriage. 在当时,邮寄明信片还很时尚,但闰年的明信片把女性,通常是没有姿色的老女人,描绘成拿枪顶着男人的脑袋逼婚的样子。
I think we should do it at least twice in the space of each five-year plan, in the same way as the intercalary month in a lunar leap year turns up once in three years and twice in five. 我看至少是象闰年、闰月一样,三年一闯,五年再闯,一个五年计划里头至少搞两次。
Then, he borrowed the idea of a seven-day week and leap year from the Hebrew calendar. 接着,他借用了希伯来历法中一周七天和闰年的概念。
The start date of your recurring appointment is a leap month date. This occurrence of the recurring appointment will fall on the previous month in a non leap year. 您的定期约会开始日期是闰月日期。在非闰年中,定期约会的这个事件将会发生在前一个月。
Back then, Sextilis, the eighth month, had30 days, and Februarius, the second month, had29 days, except in each leap year when it had30 days. 这是语言惯性的早期实例之一。那时候,八月有30天;二月通常有29天,闰年有30天。
Thirty days hath september, april, june, and november; all the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone, and that has twenty-eight days clear and twenty-nine in each leap year. 三十天,是九月,四月六月十一月;剩下都是三十一,唯一例外是十月;二十八天是平年,二十九天是闰年。
If it's not a leap year, how many days will there be in february? 如果不是闰年,二月份有多少天呢?
This time was added as an extra day during each leap year. 在每个闰年里,这些时间就被加总起来成为多出来的一天。
Each leap year we add that day onto the end of February. 每个闰年我们都要在二月底加上一天。
This recurring appointment begins on a leap year. The first recurrence occurs the year after. Do you want your recurrence to occur in the start year? 此定期约会开始于闰年。第一个定期约会出现在第二年。是否希望定期约会出现在开始的那一年?
The year is Appel leap year if there are13 months in the year. 如果某一年有13个月,这一年就叫做闰年。
And regardless of the calendar days of2011, what lies ahead of you is indeed a leap year! 不管2011年接下来的日程会怎样,你们现处的年份确实是跃变的一年!
Leap year is the year when February has29 days. 二月里有29天的月份是闫年。
And twenty-nine on each Leap Year. 每个闰年二月有二十九天。
Leap year recurs every four years, and in that year February has29 days. 每四年闰年一次,而那一年中,二月有二十九天。
If you were born in a leap year, you may not get to celebrate your birthday every year. 如果你是润年出生,你有可能不会每年都庆祝到生日。
It also introduces the concept of the leap year to students in an interesting way. 它也用有趣的方式,将闰年的概念介绍给学生。
The leap year comes around once in four years. 闰年每四年来一次[每四年有一个闰年]。
This fourth year, in which February has twenty-nine days, is called leap year. 这个二月有29天的第四年被称为闰年。
A similar time when women can initiate aggressive action is during the leap year, when February has29 days. 另外一个与此相似德望日子,即女子可以采取主动的时间是闰年的2月29日。
Feb. 29 is an intercalary day; leap year is an intercalary year. 2月29日是闰日;闰年是有添加日的年份。